Welcome to MemDir.org. MemDir hosted online membership sites for a variety of organizations for seventeen years, from 2001 to 2018. MemDir.org is no longer active, but we suggest that you consider Personify (fka Wild Apricot) if you are looking for a membership management platform.
The membership sites formerly powered by MemDir technology included:
- The Colonial Society of Massachusetts Membership Site
- DukeLAN - The Duke LGBT Alumni Network
- HaLANN - The Harvard Latin@ Alumni National Network
- HHA - Harvard Humanist Alumni
- HGSC - Harvard Gender & Sexuality Caucus (formerly the Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus)
- GLIvyN - The Gay & Lesbian Ivy Alumni Network of Southern California
- LGLA - The Lesbian & Gay Bar Association of Los Angeles
- MIT QNET - Network of MIT alumni, students and staff, operated by MIT BGALA
- NetworkQ - A network of LGBTQ business school students and alumni/ae
The features of MemDir membership directories included:
- Members controlled the privacy level of all information they entered:
- Private - only visible to group organizers
- Members - visible to group members and organizers
- Public - visible to any visitor to the site (optional)
- Members could update their own information at any time, including their email addresses.
- Members could find non-private information about other members.
- Administrators could create an unlimited number of email listservs. These could be used:
- to send updates to all members,
- to allow members to send messages to small groups such as the board, and
- to support discussions among members with shared interests.
- Several ways to add new members:
- Initial membership list could be imported.
- Anyone could register at the site, but they were invisible to members and they couldn't see non-public information until they were "authenticated" by an administrator.
- An administrator could "pre-authenticate" a member and send an invitation containing a personalized link that would give the member full membership privileges upon registration.
- Members could invite others to join the group (subject to authentication by an administrator).
- The site could list upcoming events and allow members to register themselves and their guests.
- Members could pay membership dues and event costs on line by credit card using PayPal.com.
- Extensive administrative tools.
Archived home pages from the Internet Archive (sometimes supporting links to group home pages):
MemDir was developed and maintained by Robert W. Mack. It was written in HTML and ColdFusion.